
Committees at a Glance

The association's general assembly, board of trustees and academic advisory council continually support the GWZO’s work in an advisory capacity and ensure the quality of its work.

The Board

The board runs the Institute. It is in charge of research planning and implementation.

Prof. Dr. Maren Röger

Director of the Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO) and Professor of East-Central European History at Leipzig University

The Association’s General Assembly

The Institution is represented by

Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Dr. Clemens Escher

German Historical Institue Warsaw
Prof. Dr. Miloš Řezník

Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe - Institute of the Leibniz Association (HI)

Prof. Dr. Peter Haslinger

Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Huschner

State Ministry of Science, Cultural Affairs and Tourism of Saxony, Dresden

Dr. Tim Metje

Societas Jablonoviana, Leipzig

Prof. Dr. Izabela Surynt

University of Leipzig

Prorektor für für Campusentwicklung: Kooperation und Internationalisierung Prof. Dr. Matthias Middell

Founding Director GWZO

Prof. i.R. Dr. Winfried Eberhard

The Board of Trustees

The board of trustees is responsible for the guidelines of the Institute’s operations. It decides all fundamental matters of the Institute.

Representatives of the institutions

Dr. Tim Metje (Chairman)

representing the State Ministry of Science, Cultural Affairs and Tourism of Saxony

Dr. Clemens Escher (deputy Chair)

representing the Federal Ministery of Education and Research

MR Florian Albert

representing the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts

Prof. Dr. Peter Haslinger

representing the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe - Institute of the Leibniz Association (HI)

Prof. Dr. Matthias Middell
representing the University of Leipzig


Dr. Christian Winter

representing the Association’s General Assembly

The Academic Advisory Council

In all fundamentally significant matters of academic import, the academic advisory council advises the Institute as well as the board of trustees and the board. The advisory council performs regular audits to the guarantee the Institute’s quality.

Prof. Dr. Monika Baár
European University Institute, Florenz

Prof. Dr. Eckhardt Fuchs

Leibniz Institute for Educational Media, Brunswick

Prof. Dr. Dirk van Laak

University of Leipzig

Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Lipińska
University of Cologne


Prof. Dr. Jerzy Piekalski
University of Wroclaw


Prof. Dr. Andrii Portnov
Europe-University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)


Prof. Dr. Helena Ulbrechtová
Slawisches Institut der Akademie der Wissenschaften der Tschechischen Republik

Prof. Dr. Jurgita Verbickienė
Universität Vilnius