Structural Goals

The self-conception

The self-conception of the GWZO and its employees comprises the »Maxims of Conduct in the Leibniz Association«. They form the framework for a series of structural goals that the Institute pursues with particular zeal:

Anonyme Meldemöglichkeit gemäß EU-Hinweisgeber Richtlinie

Gemäß der Richlinie der Europäischen Kommission zum Schutz von Hinweisgebern (EU) 2019/1937 sind Unternehmen und Institutionen mit mehr als 50 Mitarbeitenden dazu verpflichtet, diesen anonyme Hinweisgaben im Bezug auf vermutetes Fehlverhalten oder Missstände an unserem Institut zu ermöglichen. Das GWZO kommt dieser Pflicht nach, indem es unter dem folgenden Link einen anonymen Meldekanal bereitstellt.

Promoting Junior Academics and Careers

The GWZO is a good place to gain further academic qualifications and strives to be an attractive part of the career path. At the Institute, with cooperative partners on site and with the Leibniz Association, young researchers in the qualifying phase can find a broad spectrum of opportunities for professionalisation and self-development.


The GWZO conducts research together with cooperative partners across the world. With its international conferences on site and in its research region, panels of international congresses, exhibitions shown throughout Europe and English-language publications, the Institute carries its knowledge into the world. The local team of experts and the guests who come to the GWZO temporarily to conduct research are also international.

Open Science / Open Data

As the GWZO strives to make research more accessible to a larger number of people, it offers as much free access to research results as possible. Open access applies to the GWZO series and the annual magazine Mitropa. Virtual archives, currently under construction, render parts of the on-site inventory searchable and researchable. Digital exhibitions on the subjects of our major exhibition projects allow users to view the material online long term. Research Data Management, currently under construction, will offer research data for further inquiry.

Knowledge for Sustained Development

The GWZO has affiliated itself with four other organisations of the Leibniz Association to form the Leibniz research network »Knowledge for Sustained Development« allowing all organisations to merge their competences towards the goal of further developing research for sustained developed and promoting sustainable societal transformation.

Secure Use of Personal Data

Researchers from Germany and across the world, guests and employees of the Institute alike – all bring one thing with them: data about themselves and others. The on-site data protection looks out for its security.

Inclusion and Participation for All

The inclusion and participation of people with disabilities form part of the Institute’s self-conception. As far as possible, research results and products should therefore be made available to all, with equal access to communication materials and means. This includes the largely barrier-free design of the GWZO’s public presence as a Leibniz Institut, including its website, which holds information in easy-read versions.

Staff Representation

The GWZO’s employees have the works council as a body to facilitate participation, representing employees’ interests to the administration.

Equal Opportunity at the GWZO

The GWZO promotes equal career opportunities for its staff at all career stages and in all work spaces. We are working to create the best possible compatibility of family and career, to support the paths and further qualifications especially of our female colleagues, to uphold a gender balance when filling new positions and sensitise ourselves to gender-fair speech as well as to every form of gender-specific discrimination. The Leibniz Association supports the efforts of the Mentoring Programme for Female Scientists and Academics, as well as other support programmes. In July 2021, the GWZO was awarded the TOTAL E-QUALITY Distinction for Equal Opportunity 2021. 

Charta der Vielfalt am GWZO

Charta der Vielfalt Logo

Der Charta der Vielfalt e.V. ist eine Arbeitgeber*inneninitiative mit dem Ziel der Förderung von Vielfalt in Unternehmen und Institutionen Deutschlands. Das Herzstück des Vereins ist die Urkunde »Charta der Vielfalt«, mit der das GWZO sich freiwillig selbst verpflichtet, eine Organisationskultur zu pflegen, die von gegenseitigem Respekt und Wertschätzung geprägt ist. Dafür werden die Personalprozesse des Instituts überprüft und sichergestellt, dass diese den vielfältigen Fähigkeiten und Talenten aller Mitarbeiter*innen sowie unserem Leistungsanspruch gerecht werden.

Die Urkunde wurde von der Direktorin des GWZO, Prof. Dr. Maren Röger und der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Migration, Flüchtlinge und Integration, Staatsministerin Reem Alabali-Radovan unterzeichnet.