Legal Notice
Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa (GWZO)
Specks Hof (Eingang A)
Reichsstraße 4–6
04109 Leipzig
Tel.: +49 341 97 35 560
Legal notice on organisational structure
The Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO) is a charitable organisation based in Leipzig.
Board: Prof. Dr. Maren Röger
Association register: Amtsgericht Leipzig, VR 2617
VAT number in accordance with § 27a UStG:
St. Nr. 231/140/27308
Editorial work
Dr. Ewa Tomicka-Krumrey
Public relations
Tel.: +49 341 97 35-564
Design and technical implementation
büro uebele
milkmonkey - Design-Studio
The website’s design, texts and graphics are under copyright protection: If not otherwise indicated – copyright Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO), Leipzig 2019.
All rights reserved. Downloading and saving any of the material or information available on this website onto data storage devices, integrating it into one’s own or someone else’s web presence, providing it for public access as well as any other reproduction, processing, distribution or public rendition is only permitted within the strict confines of copyright law or with the GWZO’s previous written consent.
Photos used on the website have been published after acquisition of exploitation rights and stating the image source.
Liability notice
1. Content of the online offering
The GWZO strives to ensure that the information provided on this website is accurate and up to date, yet cannot completely guarantee the absence of mistakes or ambiguities. The GWZO therefore assumes no liability for the up-to-dateness, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided. The GWZO is not liable for material or immaterial damages directly or indirectly caused by use or non-use of the offered information, as long as it is not proven guilty of wilful or grossly negligent culpability. All offerings are subject to change and non-binding. The GWZO reserves the right to change, augment or delete parts or the entirety of this web presence without special notice, or to cease its publication temporarily or permanently.
2. References links
Responsibility for third-party contents, such as those offered through direct or indirect connections (e.g. so-called links), is predicated i.a. on a positive knowledge of the unlawful or criminal content. The GWZO has no influence on third-party contents and does not adopt these contents as its own. The GWZO has no positive knowledge of unlawful or offensive contents on the linked pages of third-party providers. Should the linked pages of third-party providers nevertheless prove to contain unlawful or offensive contents, the GWZO expressly distances itself from these contents. This statement applies to all links and references set within its own web presence as well as to third-party contributions in the guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists organised by the GWZO. Illegal, erroneous or incomplete contents and especially damages arising from the use or non-use of such offered information are the sole liability of the provider of the reference site, not of the entity merely referring to the respective publication through links.
3. Copyright and trademark law
In all its publications, the GWZO strives to observe the copyright laws of utilised graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts; to use self-created graphics, video sequences and texts; or to make use of graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts in the public domain. All trademarks and brand names mentioned within this web presence and where applicable protected by third parties are subject without restriction to the provisions of the respective applicable trademark law and the ownership rights of the respective registered property. The sole fact that such trademarks are cited shall not be deemed to indicate that they are not protected by third-party rights. The copyright for published objects created by the GWZO itself remains solely with the pages’ author. The reproduction or use of such graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the GWZO’s express permission.
4. Data protection
See our data protection declaration
5. Legal force of this liability disclaimer
This liability disclaimer is to be viewed as part of the web presence that linked to this page. Should parts or individual formulations of this text not, no longer or not completely accord with applicable law, the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected in their content and validity.
Legal information: Copyright © 2019 Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO), Leipzig
This legal notice also applies to the Institute’s social media presences.