Equal Opportunity at the GWZO
The GWZO values the promotion of equal career opportunities for its employees at all career levels and in all work spaces. To promote this goal, the Institute is mindful of creating the best possible compatibility of family and career, of supporting the promotion and further qualifications of its female employees, of promoting a gender balance when filling new positions and of sensitising itself to every type of gender-specific discrimination. As a publically funded institution, the GWZO is conscious of its social-political mandate, which urges it to espouse equality and democracy in all its structural and day-to-day procedures.
The foundation of the GWZO’s equality work is formed by the DFG’s »Research-Oriented Equality Standards« and the goals of the Leibniz Association for Equal Opportunity, to which the GWZO is actively pledged. The five Leibniz Equality Standards are at the root of the Institute’s work and allow it to shape is internal structures, joint workflows as well as its internal and external presence in a manner that realises gender quality and is exercised on a daily basis.
The GWZO has developed a guideline for the equality of women and men which provides for an internal roadmap to promote women. It has also developed a guideline for gender-neutral, consistently implemented language. These measures support the GWZO’s efforts to promote a family-friendly, gender-neutral, plannable, attractive career.
Equal opportunities for employees are a vital component of our Institute’s self-conception.

In July 2021, the GWZO was awarded the TOTAL E-QUALITY Distinction for Equal Opportunity 2021.
TOTAL E-QUALITY refers to an initiative that promotes equal opportunity for woman and men as well as professional diversity. Since 1996, the initiative has been led by the non-profit association TOTAL E-QUALITY Germany Ltd. The idea for founding the society came in 1994 in Como, at the conference of the »Positive Actions« network of the European Commission on the topic »New Approaches of Human Resource Management in Personnel Work«.
The society annually awards the distinction to organisations from business, administration and academia as well as associations that are successfully and sustainably committed to equal career opportunity for women and men. A jury awards the distinction for a period of three years.
The Equality Officers
A vital drive for strengthening equality at the GWZO is the work performed by the two equality officers. In close consultation with the Institute’s management and works council, they develop equality work tailored to the needs of the Institute’s employees. They advise employees on questions of compatibility of family and career, advocate for a respectful, integrated cooperation at the Institute and keep in touch with other Leibniz Institutes. Since 2018, the GWZO has also been a member of the City of Leipzig’s »Science and Equal Opportunity« network.